Article   11. 4. 2022 How to cope with high fuel prices | Solvertech

How to cope with high fuel prices | Solvertech
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Route optimization programs save up to 10% on fuel. It saves total kilometres, shortens delivery times, reduces the need for vehicles and comes with immediate deployment and implementation.


After the Chinese virus, the world was invaded by the Russian bacillus and prices are rising again. Unlike in the past, however, we do not know where it will stop.

The view of the gas station pylons cannot be compared to the images of the bombed-out hospitals. Nevertheless, it is not particularly pleasant in connection with the fear of what will happen next.


Putin’s expensiveness


Many politicians in Europe called on us to reduce energy consumption and reduce car travel. This can be warmly agreed for several other reasons – if you have an alternative.


Carriers, distributors, outreach social services and many more are among those who do not have an alternative. Leaving your car in the garage is priceless when you must earn and meet your obligations. Does it have a solution?


The only option is to plan your routes even better. According to our analysis, mathematical route optimization can save approximately 10% of fuel without limiting performance. The absolute value of savings is growing as fast as the prices on the mentioned pylons. Month ago, diesel was around 40% cheaper than today and the ratio of gas costs compared to total costs is getting higher with every spike in price.


We do not know the future development of fuel prices. Let’s hope they start falling soon. But a 10 percent saving will never lose its charm. It does not only apply to petrol and diesel, but also to shortened delivery times, reduced depreciation of the vehicle or reduction of the vehicle fleet. Just 10% cost savings can double the profit.


Quick money


Deploying route optimization applications has an immediate impact. We will install and run the system in one day. We will import your data, explain the controls and give you a month for free testing. it’s not complicated and we will be at your disposal for any further questions and consultations.


You will feel the financial effect from the first day of sharp operation. Cars will drive less and faster. Application fees will always be much lower than the savings achieved. With the rising price of fuel, the service is actually getting cheaper.


European countries finance the Kremlin by buying oil worth 600 million euros a day. This is an amount clearly greater than aid to warring Ukraine. Reducing oil consumption by at least 10% in our own fleet would be a clever form of sanctions in all respects, don’t you think?


If you would like to find out if we can find savings with you, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to present the options to you without obligation.




Telephone: 739 671 003



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