Take a look at selected references, who we work for and what they say about us.

Anna Šenk, Manager of AlzaExpres
“Great cooperation. The Tasha system is ideally designed and it’s super fast. We especially appreciate the well-resolved support, which is really available every day. They don’t play for anything, and yet they come up with a great and functional solution!
It can be seen that the consultants are really people in their places, whether in setting up the program’s functions exactly tailored to the company, or in designing the location of the depot and similar seemingly little things, which will save a lot of time, effort and money. We are also grateful for the consultation during the coronavirus crisis, when we were really under a lot of pressure. They were able to provide us with the maximum commitment of support and settings so that we could handle the expedition.”

Tomáš Čupr, owner
“In Rohlík, I can’t praise the services of Solvertech enough. The reason is simple – not only are they professionals, but you can talk to them casually. They are reliable and flexible. That is a great value for me. After all, it is their own product, they want to develop and improve it. They are good business partners.”
They deliver the purchase within 3 hours after ordering. Košík offers more than 15 thousand items of food, drugstore items and supplies for pets. Everything fresh. Everything on time.
Retail and wholesale of furniture over the Internet and in brick-and-mortar stores. The network of Tempo Kondela stores throughout Slovakia.

Zásilkovna is a wide supply network with more than 3,700 dispensing points in the Czech Republic and 1,100 in Slovakia, to which you can have the ordered goods delivered easily, cheaply and quickly. Lots of online stores send goods this way, and individuals with the “Between Us” service can also send goods.

A service where you can order anything that is legal. It’s up to you whether you just need to get a cake, pick up a jacket from the dry cleaner’s, run to the pharmacy, pick up an order from the e-shop or safely transport the consignment around Prague.
Czech startup, which creates a technological platform for optimizing urban transport in the Czech Republic and abroad. The company’s goal is the so-called Smart Cities, where people lose their dependence on their own cars and reduce problems with parking.

Rossmann is known for its low prices and wide range of products. The company also offers a loyalty program called Rossmann CLUB, which provides benefits for members, such as discounts on products and exclusive offers.

In addition to its own brands, it also produces beverages for retail and wholesale chains. With around 400 employees across five production facilities, the company achieves an annual turnover of approximately 40 million EUR. The company’s product range consists of more than 100 different items.

Gibon Logistics brings a solution to deliver even one piece of package in active refrigerated mode to the customer’s door. Thanks to their ever-expanding distribution network, they can serve clients almost all over the Czech Republic.

Jiří Hemerle, owner
“We are glad that at we have been able to rely on logistics solutions from Solvertech for 5 years. Especially on their support. For the delivery of fresh cut flowers, planning the time of handing over the flower for the client is often absolutely crucial. Also thanks to the cooperation with Solvertech in logistics planning, was the only e-shop with flowers to receive the Heureka Gold Certificate. Most of the positive references here point to logistics.“ offers a wide range of products for equipping offices, workspaces, and schools. Their selection includes everything from paper and envelopes to office furniture like chairs and desks, as well as technical equipment.
The company is known for fast delivery, a broad selection of brands, and competitive prices. is a popular choice for businesses, schools, and households looking for quality office supplies.

In a short time, the small, outdated local establishment in the heart of Wallachia has become a modern enterprise, which has taken its place among the 5 largest Czech producers of meat and meat products. The company has invested heavily in the modernization of production, with all investments being made to meet strict European standards.
Products from Krásno can currently be found in a number of retail chains and retail chains, as well as on the counters of specialized butchers. The company is expanding to the Slovak and Hungarian markets.

Manufacturer of meat and sausages, heat-treated and untreated meat products. A wide range of specialties and traditional products.

In Moravia and Silesia, Těšínská jatka is one of the most important suppliers of quality sliced beef, pork and poultry and delicious meat products. For more than 20 years, it has been producing salamis, hams, sausages and smoked meats of the highest quality according to traditional recipes.

The company Hruška, spol. s r.o. operates 3 wholesale warehouses of fruit, vegetables, food, drugstores and 455 retail stores.

The Union of Czech and Moravian Consumer Cooperatives (COOP Group) unites 46 consumer cooperatives, which together operate around 2,500 stores with a total sales area of approximately 400,000 m² and employ over 13,000 people. In 2020, Czech and Moravian consumer cooperatives reported a turnover of nearly 33 billion CZK. The cooperatives have over 100,000 members.
The member cooperatives operate under the common COOP brand, making it the largest network of food stores in the Czech Republic.

Headquarters and central warehouse in Střelice near Brno. Thanks to this strategic location, it offers unrivaled delivery services, which take place every weekday through special air-conditioned cars.

The company Míča – Bagoňová belongs to the growers and sellers of fruits and vegetables from Božice in the Znojmo region. In the company’s range you will find not only fresh herbs and a standard range of fruit and vegetables, but also a complete range of exotic products, including baby vegetables, fresh spices, sprouts, and mushrooms.

Ekvia is part of the Norwegian Orkla ASA Group, specifically its Orkla Food Ingredients division.
With more than 6,000 m2 of warehouse space in 4 operations, EKVIA is able to store a sufficient amount of goods to be able to continuously supply customers with a complete range. The logistics system with its own distribution of goods allows the customer to receive the ordered goods when he needs it and expects it, in the required quantity, quality and time. At present, the company distributes goods to customers from four centers: Nitra (company headquarters), Martin, Rimavská Sobota and Prešov.

Nela Domkářová, vedoucí expedice
“We have been cooperating with Solvertech with all satisfaction for several years. Tasha allows us to deliver food to households throughout the country and replaces several workers. They are constantly improving the program, offering a perfect concept of the logistics solution and the technical support works perfectly as well.”

Food purchased directly from farmers online with collection at one of the dispensing points throughout the Czech Republic.

E-shop with furniture and own transport not only throughout the Czech Republic, but also Slovakia and Hungary.

Jiří Šťastný, specialista logistických projektů
Tasha is a successful Czech software designed for efficient logistics. It optimizes deliveries, pickups, transfers, and their combinations (next day delivery). “Based on specified parameters, it calculates route lengths, transport times, and transportation costs,” explains Jiří Šťastný, a logistics project specialist at the Magna Exteriors (Bohemia) plant in Liberec. “And it optimizes them to be as efficient as possible. We saw savings immediately after implementing Tasha.”
Tasha has met expectations at Magna Exteriors (Bohemia). “We manufacture various plastic components for vehicles, such as bumpers, dashboards, and more,” explains Šťastný. “To produce these, we need many additional parts: covers, reflectors, screws, and so on. We collect components from various suppliers, and our goal is to do this with the minimum number of fully loaded vehicles and at the lowest possible cost. Tasha significantly helps us in achieving this, and the company saves money as a result,” Šťastný concludes.