Article   7. 10. 2022 Tasha system optimizes routes at Magna Exteriors

Magna Exteriors decided to optimize transportation, specifically to maximize efficiency in planning the pick-up of production parts. For that reason, the company started using Tasha software from Solvertech in year 2019. Thanks to the implementation, it saved around 26 % of transport costs.
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Tasha is a successful Czech software for transport planning and optimization of routes for deliveries, pickups, transfers and their combinations (next day delivery). “Tasha calculates route lengths, transport times and transport costs based on the entered parameters. It optimizes everything so that transports are as efficient as possible. Thanks to the Tasha software, we noticed savings right after its introduction,” explains Jiří Šťastný, specialist in logistics projects at the Liberec plant of Magna Exteriors (Bohemia).

So Tasha did software at Magna Exteriors (Bohemia) in Liberec live up to expectations. “We produce various plastic components for vehicles, for example bumpers, instrument boxes and so on. For production, we need a number of additional materials from our suppliers, such as caps, reflectors, screws, etc. We collect these materials from various suppliers. Our interest is to transport the material for production in as few cars as possible, with as many cars as possible and at the lowest possible cost. It is precisely in this that Tasha helps us significantly and the company saves thanks tothe solution,” states Jiří Šťastný. He added that Tasha at Magna Exteriors (Bohemia) in Liberec optimizes approximately 40 to 60 routes per week.

Originally, the planning of assembly of production parts was done manually. “With manual assembly, controlling is very difficult – no one knows if the plan is good, if it is cost-effective and if the cars are loaded in the right way. The Tasha software sets everything as optimally as possible, it also includes a KPI module, so the company has clear monitoring at its disposal,” says Roman Bartolšic, project manager of Solvertech. He went on to say that manual route planning is possible and common in practice, but only a software solution brings savings and accurate reporting. The error rate of manual planning increases with the number of cars and routes. As Roman Bartolšic added, Tasha brings to companies a reduction in transport costs, a better overview of the state of transport, an immediate analysis of the profitability of items, orders, customers, routes and vehicles over time, as well as an increase in dispatching capacity and maximization of its performance and reliability.

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