Article   24. 1. 2023 Transportation with no delay

The Sanatoriums company provides transportation for seniors to medical and recreational facilities. They will pick them up at home on Sunday, take them to their place of residence and return home after the end of the stay. Even this seemingly simple model has its pitfalls.
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Before the deployment of Tasha, the transport of seniors was planned using Google maps for four company owned cars and 20-25 cars of contracted transporters. Dispatchers created the plan every Tuesday to Thursday and sent out e-mails with instructions to drivers throughout Friday.

Not surprisingly, the deployment of Tasha rapidly accelerated such planning. But it didn’t get rid of the old problem.

Passengers from different places spent an unnecessarily long time in the car. The better the senior taxi plan worked out economically, the longer the grandmothers meandered through the landscape until the optimized route brought them to their destination. The stay in the car stretched unnecessarily, sometimes up to seven hours.

Driving time ceiling

We have therefore added the maximum possible time spent in the vehicle parameter to the route calculation. A constant value would not make sense for routes of varying lengths. So we designed a coefficient that determined how much longer it might take to drive from point A to point B compared to a direct connection. After agreement with the client, we chose a coefficient of 1.7 as a compromise between passenger comfort and economic sustainability.

The condition of maximum travel time is not only useful in transporting people, but also a number of commodities, live animals or laboratory samples. In addition, the parameter can be worked efficiently.

By keeping an eye on passenger comfort, you can design cheaper routes and save money. On the other hand, you can sell the reduced driving time as a premium service.

Individual adjustments, common benefit

The case of the Sanatoriums company shows how individual client specifications contribute to the utility value of our applications. Rarely are one of our customers’ needs so unique that a new specific solution cannot benefit the rest of them as well. This is the reason why we are so willing to accommodate individual assignments. We consider them excellent feedback and inspiration at the same time.

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