Online store operating in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other European countries. It is one of the largest domestic online stores with consumer electronics and has a strong presence in the segments of toys, sports, hobbies, media and entertainment, perfumes, watches and drugstores. It operates a network of brick-and-mortar stores of the same name.
“Great cooperation. The Tasha system is ideally designed and it’s super fast. We especially appreciate the well-resolved support, which is really available every day. They don’t play for anything, and yet they come up with a great and functional solution!
It can be seen that the consultants are really people in their places, whether in setting up the program’s functions exactly tailored to the company, or in designing the location of the depot and similar seemingly little things, which will save a lot of time, effort and money. We are also grateful for the consultation during the coronavirus crisis, when we were really under a lot of pressure. They were able to provide us with the maximum commitment of support and settings so that we could handle the expedition.”
Manager of AlzaExpres